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Posted on:November 21, 2012 at 04:45 AM

Hello. My name is Terence Tuhinanshu, and this is my blog.

I’ve had blogs in the past. My first serious blog was, one I had created while at Drexel studying Distributed Software Development under Prof Peppo Valetto, who had asked my team to track our interaction with other developers while working on an open source project. After the class finished, I kept writing every once in a while, usually on technical or technological ideas or discoveries.

At some point I decided that I didn’t like the anterence blog anymore, and that I needed to start anew. I was almost about to switch to WordPress, but since I didn’t have a good domain and didn’t want a address, I was hesitant. Just then, Blogspot finally revealed a significant update to their platform, and thus I created, a place for more serious thought. I posted one of the papers I had written for a course on Cognitive Sciences under Prof Frank Lee. A few weeks later I posted a diatribe complaining how bad fonts looked in Chrome under Windows. Then there was nothing.

For a while I setup a mini-blog account on It was more aplaceforcuration than original content, although I did express disdain for Govt of India’s UID project there.

One of the reasons I stopped writing blog posts was that I didn’t think I had anything worthwhile to write. I was reading – books, posts, articles, Reddit, just soaking it all in – but not writing anything, not saying anything. Another reason was that I really, really didn’t like Blogspot. When I bought this domain, I had thought of setting up a blog and how nice it would be to finally have a place to write, my own little corner on the internet. But I had been so busy with work, that it is only now that I’ve gotten a chance to set this blog up.

I do have something worthwhile to write. It might be about technology or design, literature or philosophy, physics or politics, poetry or programming. They will be my words, and they will be here, for now they finally have a home.